The Curve Balls We Are Thrown In Life (My Announcement)


The Curve Balls We Are Thrown In Life (My Announcement)


I have spoken, written, and blogged about the curve balls of life. These, sometimes unpredicted, undeserved or self-induced situations and circumstances, occurring to everyone at some point in their life, are not what define us. They are the stepping stones in life’s journey that lead us to an understanding of universal principles larger than ourselves. You must have the faith and tenacity to remain focused on the journey even when surrounded by the negativity of these circumstances. Your faith and internal wisdom will get you through and teach you the lessons needed for the next curve ball.


So how do I, Mr. Positive, say this? “I have cancer”, my latest curve ball in life.


As bad as it sounds, and it sounded bad to me. It could be worse or the news is as good as bad news can be. I have been diagnosed with Papillary Thyroid cancer. Discovered by accident or miracle, as a result of unrelated findings and follow up from a physical. I have none of the listed possible causes of this type of cancer. I will undergo surgery on June 21 to remove my thyroid followed up with additional and standard Thyroid cancer treatment. The secret to success in any endeavor is surrounding yourself with specialists and professionals smarter than ourselves, coupled with Faith, Family, and Friends.


I have been on top of the world since finishing my upcoming book, “Finding the Wisdom You Seek”; on Amazon later this month, June 2016. More on that later. Hope, my wife, tells me God would like an addition to my resume, Cancer Survivor, and that is good by me. I love to share my optimism, with congregations and business groups, and will not stop doing so. Assuming all goes well and I do not loose my voice for too long, I will be out hitting the trail again, sharing my faith and love of all who are striving to thrive not just survive. Yes, this is a trying and stressful time, more for my family and friends than myself. Your prayers are welcome and needed. Please pray for my family and all those involved in my care. I will not be able to travel for a short time to promote my new book; I will ask for your help and prayers in its success, spreading the word of what I believe to be a life changing book for someone out there.


As far as the success of my treatment, I have faith in those charged with this task. I will do what is asked and required for a complete recovery. I truly am inspired by so many that have survived a much worse prognosis. They are too numerous to mention. I will begin a cancer journal and start a new blog post following my surgery, treatment, and recovery. I will return to answering emails, texts, and private messages as soon as possible.


Thank you in advance for your prayers and support. I know this is a short blog, I will post more later and send out a broadcast via Facebook live in the coming days.


Excerpt from a book I read; “What makes greatness is beginning something that does not end with you.”


Excerpt from my upcoming book; “…we do not know what we do not know until we know, then, my friend, we know forever. The unseen becomes the seen after we see. The unheard becomes the heard after we hear. You see that which you seek is within, or, as a wise old man once said: You are what you seek, the secret lies within.”


Thank you to so many for always being there.


Stay tuned to, Facebook, LinkedIn, Goodreads, and Amazon for the announcement of my new book’s publication.


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