This statement is true literally, philosophically and fundamentally. Told this early in life as I trained to be both a ship’s captain and a pilot, repeated many times by many people since that time. You train your whole career for one incident. The one occurrence in life or command, a decision making or breaking in an instant, lives are at risk. Do it right everyone lives do it wrong, who knows. The more rigorous the training, the more automatic or natural the solution.
Just think if we trained for life in general with this same veracity. Living every day as if the one chance encounter with one person will make or break the life in front of us. Maybe not in a life or death situation, simply being at the right place the right time for a person in need. Making the one moment better. This can be accomplished as a manager, supervisor, teacher, trainer, First Responder, and most importantly as a fellow human being. You might be doing what you do, be where you are for this one moment, do not pass it up. Be prepared to help improve, change or save a life a soul, create a smile if called upon to do so and when opportunity presents itself. The rougher your encounters at sea, in the trenches, the more likely you are to help and share in a less dramatic, yet equally important moment. Enjoy the calm seas, learn from the rough seas, always be prepared to teach, help and share when called upon. This is what leaders do routinely and daily without consciously thinking of the effort!
Have a great day! Be a positive impact on your life first and then someone else’s. As they say before flight “put the oxygen mask on yourself first then help others.”
This is a Michael Holley one-minute tip. Intended to make your life, career and most importantly someone else’s a little better! If you want to smile on the inside, make someone else smile on the outside.
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